*:*From WithIN You *:*


Whatever you seek to attain, seek first to attain it WithIN you. Once it is truly WithIN you, it will begin to expand throughout all of your experience.

The value you create WithIN you can never be lost. Every improvement you make in the quality of your consciousness will always be with you.

The dreams that you'll make real are the dreams that come from the deepest part of you. Nurture and build them first WithIN you, and they'll become so powerful as to be undeniable.

When that which is WithIN you is strong and meaningful, the positive energy will flow outward and can touch every part of your life. And nothing outside of you can diminish it.

Others can point the way and give encouragement. Yet ultimately, you are responsible for taking good care of your inner life. It is well worth the effort. For whatever you attain WithIN is surely who you truly are. -Ralph Marston

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